A view of the world through the eyes of a brand strategist with assorted ramblings about other topics near and dear to his heart including: fatherhood, branding, parenting, social ills, branding, volleyball, family caregiving, all things brand related, politics, and the affection of the wonder dog, Brew. . . did I mention branding?
Our beloved Brew.

R.I.P. Big guy.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Starbucks update
I posted the previous blog yesterday. Today, I read that Starbucks is testing a new concept in one of their stores by not using the Starbucks name. I may not have this name exactly correct, but it's something 5th St. Coffee and Tea. The point is, they are playing with their concept. I find it amazing that the Starbucks brand has never talked about coffee. In fact, their positioning has always focused on being a person's third destination (1.Home 2. work/school 3. Starbucks) which would position them ahead of Church and play as dedicated destinations. It will be fun to see how this plays out.