The rapid decline in newspaper subscriptions has been of particular interest to me over the past few years. Like so many others, I get most of my news from the Internet, some from TV and considerably less from radio. Yet, I still subscribe to the Chicago Tribune (although I live in NW Indiana), a town newspaper called the Chesterton Tribune (mostly because the subject matter is so corny and the editing so sloppy that it gives me endless stream of content for a humor filled workshop I do around the country) and another regional daily newspaper that I rely on for relevant local news. Although I have cancelled other newspaper subscriptions in the past couple of years due to redundancy, it should be clear that I am not part of the mass exodus from newspapers. In fact, I still very much enjoy the feel of printed reading material in my hands, which brings me to the point of this blog post.
There are five magazines I consider vital to my existence: Wired, Fast Company, Esquire, The Economist, and Vanity Fair. Occasionally, I throw a couple of home repair mags and specialty books like Architectural Digest and Design into the mix because design and home decorating fascinate me. I also enjoy each issue of Chicago Magazine for its feature and investigative articles. I consider myself a news and sports junkie but I have no use for sports or pop culture magazines.
This got me to wondering . . . do others have magazines that you just can't live without?